Nutrition is the scientific study of foods and nutrients that occur in foods. Dietetics on the other hand is the application of scientific principles of nutrition in the management of health and disease condition of the people. Thus, Nutrition and Dietetics study uses of nutrient by the human bodies and the effects of these nutrients on the health, growth and development of the individual. The student of Nutrition and Dietetics is therefore engaged in the broad study of bridging the gaps between food sciences, applied medical sciences and management studies, and to enhance the development of the physical, mental and spiritual growth. In this era of sustainable development, Nutrition and Dietetics is expected to assume a front line position in maintaining a healthy and viral nation. Thus there is a need for appropriate man power development and technological expertise.
Nutrition and Dietetics Department is committed to building students for leadership through quality Christian education, transforming their lives so they can impact the society for positive change. Involve our students in critical thinking, problem solving skill, creativity and self expression, challenging them to be original thinkers rather than mere reflectors of other peoples thought. Instilling Christ-like character in our graduate so they can be of great service to God and humanity.
In harmony with the philosophy of Babcock University, the mission statement of Nutrition and Dietetics programme is to become a department of excellence, nurturing our students to be competent, innovative, responsible, and providing a broad based functional and practical training that will foster dynamic professionalism in meeting the impact of foods on health.
We offer Programs that are competitive and industry relevant. Our Graduates from the department come out equipped to deal with real world challenges.
Meet our competent administrators within the department
| Communication
As convocation day approaches, the intensity of the graduation week...