Schools Requirements
Degree offered: B. A. (Hons) History and International Studies.
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to acceptable passes in UTME, the minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five relevant subjects at the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) / its equivalent, including English Language and Government/History in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE): Direct Entry candidates must possess credit level passes in five relevant subjects at the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) / its equivalent, including E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e , Government/History two of which must be at the advanced level. Holders of NCE, University/National Diploma (ND) at minimum of credit level are eligible for consideration for Direct Entry admission into 200 Level. In addition, candidates must meet the required qualifications at Ordinary Level.
Degree offered: B. A. (Hons) English Studies
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to acceptable passes in UTME, the minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five relevant subjects at the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) / its equivalent, including English Language and Literature in English in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE): Direct Entry candidates must possess credit level passes in five relevant Arts subjects at t h e Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) / its equivalent, including English Language , Literature in English, two of which must be at the advanced level. Holders of NCE, University/National Diploma (ND) at minimum of credit level are eligible for consideration for Direct Entry admission into 200 Level. In addition, candidates must meet the required qualifications at Ordinary Level.
Degree offered: B. A. (Hons) French Studies
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to acceptable passes in UTME, the minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five relevant subjects at the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) / its equivalent, including English Language, in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE): Direct Entry candidates must possess credit level passes in five relevant subjects at the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) / its equivalent, including English Language, French and two of which must be at the advanced level. Holders of NCE, University/National Diploma (ND) at minimum of credit level are eligible for consideration for Direct Entry admission into 200 Level. In addition, candidates must meet the required qualifications at Ordinary Level.
Degree offered: B. A. ( Hons) Christian Religious studies
Four Years (4 years) Degree Programme
UTME Entry : In addition to acceptable passes in UTME, the minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five relevant subjects at the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent, including English Language and Christian Religious studies, in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE): Direct Entry candidates must possess credit level passes in five relevant subjects at the S e n i o r S c h o o l C e r t i f i c a t e Examination (SSCE)/ its equivalent, including English Language and Christian Religious studies, two of which must be at the advanced level. Holders of NCE, University/National Diploma (ND) at minimum of credit level are eligible for consideration for Direct Entry admission into 200 Level. In addition, candidates must meet the required qualifications at Ordinary Level.
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
Degree offered: B. Sc. ((Ed) Hons)
1. Business Education
2. Economics Education
Degree offered: B. Ed. (Hons)
3. Educational Administration and Planning
Degree offered: B. Ed. (Hons)
4. Guidance and Counseling
Degree offered: B. A. (Ed.) Hons)
5. English Education
UTME Entry: For Nos. 1and 2 above, 5 credits in English Language and Mathematics and any of the following: Economics, Commerce, Accounting and Government.
For No. 3 above, 5 credits in English Language and Mathematics and any other 3 subjects
For No. 4 above, 5 credits in English Language and any 4 other subjects. For No. 5 above, 5 credits in English Language, Literature in English and any 3 other subjects.
Direct Entry: In addition to O'Level / its equivalent requirements stipulated above, applicants should possess at least two A'Level papers in relevant subjects in any of the following:
A pass at merit level in a relevant Diploma Programme (provided the O/L requirements are satisfied).
Two (2) passes in relevant subject areas at Advanced level.
Passes in two (2) major subjects in relevant areas in the NCE.
Two (2) passes at the (Interim Joint Matriculation Board ) IJMB examination or Cambridge Moderated Schools of Basic Studies Terminal Examinations or International Baccalaureate from a recognized institution.
Degree offered: B. A. (Hons) Music Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to SSCE passes in five subjects at Credit level including English language and an acceptable score in the UTME, candidates must have any one of the following:
1. A credit level pass in music at the senior secondary school level;
2 A. pass at grade v or higher of the Associated Board Of The Royal Schools Of Music (ABRSM), Musical Society Of Nigeria (MUSON) or other comparable body; or
3. A pass at an audition or aptitude test in music set by the admitting department. the test will normally include a demonstration of the ability to play an instrument or sing.
Direct Entry (DE): Direct Entry candidates must Five SSCE (or its equivalent) credit pass including English, two of which must be at the Advanced Level.
A minimum of a credit at the University/National Diploma or NCE in Music with other three SSCE credits passes.
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
Degree offered: B. Sc. ( Hons) Accounting
UTME Entry: The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five subjects at O'Level/its equivalent in nationally recognized examination including English Language , Mathematics and any other 3 from Accounting, Commerce, Economics and any other relevant Commercial Subjects in not more than two sittings. Direct Entry: In addition to O'Level/its equivalent requirements stipulated above, applicants should possess at least two A'Level papers in relevant subjects, and one must be Accounting, Economics or Commerce.
ND in relevant discipline with at least upper credit grade in addition to the five credit passes as stated above HND in relevant discipline with at least upper credit in addition to five credit passes as stated above may apply for a Two year programme in the department.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Finance Four Years (4 years) Degree Programme
UTME : The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five subjects at O'Level/its equivalent in nationally recognized examination including English Language, Mathematics and any of Economics, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Financial Accounting and Commerce in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry: In addition to O'Level/its equivalent requirements stipulated above, applicants should possess at least two A'Level papers in relevant subjects.
ND in relevant discipline with at least upper credit grade in addition to the five credit passes as stated above
HND in relevant discipline with at least upper credit in addition to five credit passes as stated above.
Degree offered: B.Sc. (Hons) Business Administration Four Years (4 years) Degree Programme
UTME : The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five subjects at O'Level/its equivalent in nationally recognized examination including English Language, Mathematics and any of Economics , Financial Accounting, Marketing and Commerce in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry: In addition to O'Level/its equivalent requirements stipulated above, applicants should possess at least two A'Level papers in relevant subjects, and one must be Mathematics.
ND in relevant discipline with at least Upper Credit grade in addition to the five credit passes as stated above
HND in relevant discipline with at least Upper Credit in addition to five credit passes as stated above.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Marketing Four Years ( 4 years ) Degree Programme
UTME Entry: The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five subjects at O'Level/its equivalent in nationally recognized examination including English Language, Mathematics and any of Economics, Financial Accounting, Marketing and Commerce in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry: In addition to O'Level/its equivalent requirements stipulated above, applicants should possess at least two A'Level papers in relevant subjects, and one must be Mathematics.
ND in relevant discipline with at least upper credit grade in addition to the five credit passes as stated above
HND in relevant discipline with at least Upper Credit in addition to five credit passes as stated above.
Degree offered: B.Sc. (Hons) Information Resources Management
Four Years ( 4 years ) Degree Programme
A candidate is admitted into the programme in one of the following three modes:
• The University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) issued by the Joint Admissions & Matriculation Board (JAMB)
• Direct Entry managed by the Joint Admissions & Matriculation Board (JAMB)
• Inter-university or Inter-programme (intra-university) transfer.
UTME (4-year/8 semester programme)
In addition to other specified University requirements, a candidate must obtain at least a Credit level pass in five subjects at the O' Level/SSCE examinations of WAEC, NECO or any other body accepted by the University in not more than two sittings in subjects including:
Mathematics, English and any of the following:
Economics, Commerce, Government/Civic Education, Financial Accounting and Marketing.
Direct Entry (3-year/6 semester programme)
• In addition to the O ' L e v e l requirements stipulated in UTME above, a candidate must have passed in at least two A' Level papers in the basic subjects required for the programme.
• A candidate with OND in a relevant area or any other Diploma certificate with Upper Credit in addition to the requirements for UTME.
• A candidate with HND in a relevant discipline with at least Upper Credit in addition to the requirements for UTME.
• A candidate with a B.Sc./BA or any other first degree, with a minimum of a 3 r d Class in addition to the requirements for UTME.
• A candidate with the minimum score acceptable by the University in JUPEB, in addition to the requirements for UTME.
B. Agric. (Hons) with options in:
1. Agricultural Economics / Agricultural Extension
2. Crop Science/ Soil Science
3. Animal Science
Five Years ( 5 years ) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to UTME score, candidates for admission into the B. Agric programme and any other programme in the discipline of Agriculture (except for those seeking for admission into Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Extension) should possess five credit passes in Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) /its equivalent, including English Language and Mathematics, Biology or Agricultural Science and any other two subjects from the following: Chemistry, Physics or Geography in not more than two sittings.
However, candidates for admission into A g r i c u l t u r a l E c o n o m i c s a n d Agricultural Extension most possess credits passes in English Language and Mathematics required to possess credits passes in Economics, Geography and Agriculture. With at least passes in Chemistry and Physics, in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry: Candidates for Direct Entry admission into the B.Agric programme or any other programme in Agriculture except for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Extension, must have at least 2 credit passes in Advance level in Chemistry and Biology plus Five SSC (or its equivalent) credit pass prescribed for UTME entry mode. HND and Diploma Holders with a minimum of Upper Credit plus Five Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) (or its equivalent) are also eligible for Direct Entry admission. While candidates with Advance level certificate and Diploma are eligible for consideration into 200 level of either the
B. Agric programme or any other programme in the discipline of Agriculture, those with HND are eligible for admission into 300 level for the 5 year programme.
Degree offered : B .S c . ( H o n s ) Mathematics
Degree offered : B . S c . ( H o n s ) Chemistry
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Biology
Four Years ( 4 years ) Degree Programme
The entry requirements shall be at least passes at Credit level at Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or its equivalents in five subjects in not more than two sittings. Such subjects must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In addition, an acceptable pass in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination in (UTME) is required for admission into 100 Level.
Direct Entry: Candidates with at least two A level passes in relevant subjects at the GCE Advanced Level/ IJMB/ JUPEB or equivalent, may be considered for admission into 200 Level, provided they satisfy the 'O' level qualifications above.
Degrees Offered: B. Sc. ( Hons) Microbiology
Four Years ( 4 years ) Degree Programme
UTME: The entry requirements shall be at least credit level passes in five subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics at the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE)/ its equivalent.
Direct Entry: Candidates with at least two A level passes GCE/IJMB/ JUPEB in two relevant subjects (Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics and Physics) may be admitted into 200-level, provided they satisfy the 'O' Level requirement.
Degree offered: MBBS Medicine and Surgery
Admission Requirements Six-Year Programme UTME: In addition to acceptable scores in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), candidates to be admitted into the degree programme shall possess a credit pass in each of the following: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and English language at the Senior School Certificate Examination ( SSCE) or their equivalents in one sitting.
In addition, they will sit for and obtain an acceptable score for the university they wish to be admitted into at the Joint Admission and Matriculation Examination as well as the post UTME.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Human Anatomy
Admission Requirements UTME: There are two different pathways by which candidates can be admitted into the programme in the discipline: the Unified Tertiary Matriculation (UTME) for a four- year degree programme and the Direct Entry.
Four Year Degree Programme
The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five subjects at Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in not more than two (2) sittings in addition to the UTME requirements.
Direct Entry: Candidate seeking admission through this mode should in addition to the UTME requirements possess either: credit passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Zoology at the Higher School Certificates or Advanced Level of General Certificate Examination or its equivalent; or an acceptable First Degree in relevant Biological or Physical Sciences Discipline.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Physiology
Admission Requirements UTME: There are two different pathways by which candidates can be admitted into the programme in the discipline: the Unified Tertiary Matriculation (UTME) for a four- year degree programme and the Direct Entry.
Four Year Degree Programme
The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five subjects at Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in not more than two (2) sittings in addition to the UTME requirements.
Direct Entry: Candidate seeking admission through this mode should in addition to the UTME requirements possess either: credit passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Zoology at the Higher School Certificates or Advanced Level of General Certificate Examination or its equivalent; or an acceptable First Degree in relevant Biological or Physical Sciences Discipline.
Degree offered: B. Sc. ( Hons) Biochemistry
Admission Requirements Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five subjects at Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent including English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in not more than two (2) sittings in addition to the UTME requirements.
Direct Entry: Candidates with at least two A level passes in relevant subjects at the GCE Advanced Level/ IJMB/ JUPEB or equivalent, may be considered for admission into 200 Level, provided they satisfy the 'O' level qualifications above.
Department of Nursing Science
Degreeoffered:BNSc. ( Hons) Nursing Science
Five Years ( 5 years) Degree Programme
Admission Requirements
UTME: Minimum of five credit level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry at O'level or SSCE/ its equivalent in not more than two sittings in addition to other requirements by specific programme with acceptable level of pass in the UTME conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board(JAMB).
Direct EntryMode
First degree in relevant discipline, A' Level in relevant subjects at not less than B grade and must satisfy the minimum university requirements for admission to the degree Programme which includes an acceptable pass at the university Identity and Document Verification. They must in addition to the above, have minimum of credit (C) level passes at the senior secondary school certificate examination (SSCE) or its equivalent in five subjects, at not more than two sittings, which must include English language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. Registered Nurses (RN) or Registered Midwife (RM) with credit level passes in the SSCE subject as listed above may be admitted by Direct Entry into 200 level provided they satisfy other University admission requirements.
Department of Law
Five Years ( 5 years ) Degree Programme
LL.B (Hons) Law
UTME: The minimum academic requirement is credit level passes in five (5) subjects at the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent in nationally recognized examination, including English Language, Mathematics and Literature in English obtained at not more than two sittings; such a candidate must in addition have an acceptable pass in the UTME.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Economics
Four Years (4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: Candidates for admission into the four year degree programme in the Economics should possess a Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or General Certificate of Education of West African Examination Council (WAEC) or National Examination Council (NECO) or their equivalent with at least five credit passes in relevant subjects including Economics, Mathematics and English Language in not more than two sitting.
Direct Entry: Candidates for Direct Entry admission shall possess five credit passes in the Senior Secondary Certificate, In addition, to acceptable passes in at least two social science subjects including Economics at Advanced Level, provided that such passes are not counted at both levels of the examination. For emphasis, credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and Economics or any other social science subject are compulsory.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Mass Communication
Four Years (4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: Admission through UTME shall take the student to 100 level. To be eligible for admission, candidate is expected to pass both the UTME and the University screening test (where applicable). The candidate must have in addition a minimum of credit pass in five subjects at not more than two sittings in SSCE/its equivalent. The credit passes are required in the following subjects: English language, Mathematics, Literature in English and any other two subjects.
Direct Entry:
1. A pass at merit level in a diploma programme in Mass Communication, Journalism or related disciplines (provided the SSCE requirements are satisfied).
2. Two passes in relevant subject areas at advanced level.
3. Passes in two major subjects in relevant areas in the NCE.
4. Two passes at the Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) examination. In addition, the candidate must possess five credit level passes in five subjects at Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE), which must include Mathematics, English Language and three other relevant subjects.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Political Science
Four Years (4 years ) Degree Programme
UTME Mode: Candidates for admission into the four year degree programme in the Political Science in Nigeria should possess a Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or General Certificate of Education of West African Examination Council ( WAEC) or National Examination Council (NECO) or their equivalent with at least five credit passes in relevant subjects including Mathematics, English Language and Government/History in not more than two sitting.
Direct Entry: Candidates for Direct Entry admission shall possess five credit passes in the Senior Secondary Certificate, General Certificate of Education, National Examination Council or their equivalent including English and Mathematics of which at least two shall be at the Advanced level or four credit passes of which at least three shall be at the Advanced level provided that such passes are not counted at both levels of the examinations. In some cases, holders of diploma certificate in disciplines related to courses of study desired in the Social Sciences are accepted.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Public Administration
Four Years (4 years ) Degree Programme
UTME Mode: Candidates for admission into the four year degree programme in the Public Administration in Nigeria should possess a Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or General Certificate of Education of West African Examination Council (WAEC) or National Examination Council (NECO) or their equivalent with at least five credit passes in relevant subjects including Mathematics, English Language, Government or History or Civic Education, Economics and any other Social Sciences or Art Subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry:
1. In addition to O'Level requirements stipulated above, applicants should possess at least two A 'Level Papers or its equivalent in relevant subjects on a grade of at least “B”.
2. OND in relevant discipline with at least Upper Credit grade in addition to the five credit passes as in UTME requirement above.
3. HND in relevant discipline with at least lower credit in addition to five credit passes as in UTME requirement above.
Degree offered: B.SW. (Hons) Social Works
Four Years (4 years ) Degree Programme
UTME Mode: Candidates for admission into the four year degree programme in the Social Works in Nigeria should possess a Senior School Certificate Examination ( SSCE) or General Certificate of Education of West African Examination Council ( WAEC) or National Examination Council (NECO) or their equivalent with at least five credit passes in relevant subjects including Mathematics and English Language in not more than two sitting. Direct Entry: Candidates for Direct Entry admission shall possess five credit passes in the Senior Secondary Certificate, General Certificate of Education, National Examination Council or their equivalent including English and Mathematics of which at least two shall be at the Advanced level or four credit passes of which at least three shall be at the Advanced level provided that such passes are not counted at both levels of the examinations. In some cases, Diploma in social work/diploma in social administration passed at upper credit level or NCE social studies passed at 'B' level and above could also be considered.
Degree offered: B. Sc. ( Hons)
Computer Science
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to appropriate UTME score, a candidate must possess five Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other relevant Science subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry: A minimum of a credit at the University/National Diploma or NCE with other five Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) credit passes in relevant science subjects three (3) of which must be in English Language, Mathematics, Physics.
Degree offered: B.Sc. (Hons) Software Engineering
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to appropriate UTME score, a candidate must possess five Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) credit passes including English Language , Mathematics, Physics and any other relevant Science subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry: A minimum of a credit at the University/National Diploma or NCE with other five Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) credit passes in relevant science subjects three (3) of which must be in English Language, Mathematics, Physics.
Degree offered: B.Sc. (Hons) Information Technology
Four Years ( 4 years) Degree Programme
UTME: In addition to appropriate UTME score, a candidate must possess five Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent credit passes including English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other relevant Science subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry: A minimum of a credit at the University/National Diploma or NCE with other five Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/its equivalent credit passes in relevant science subjects' three (3) of which must be in English Language, Mathematics, and Physics.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Five Years ( 5 years ) Degree Programme
UTME: Minimum of five credit level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry at O' level or SSCE/ its equivalent in not more than two sittings in addition to other requirements by specific programme with acceptable level of pass in the UTME conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board(JAMB).
Direct Entry Mode: First degree in relevant discipline, A' level in relevant science subjects at not less than B grade in addition to other requirements by the specific programme.
Degree offered: B. Sc. (Hons) Public Health
Four Years ( 4 years ) Degree Programme
Admission Requirements
UTME: Minimum of five credit level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry or any other Science subjects at O'level or SSCE/its equivalent in not more than two sittings in addition to other requirements by specific programme with acceptable level of pass in the UTME conducted by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board(JAMB).
Direct Entry Mode: First degree in relevant discipline, A' level in relevant science subjects at not less than B grade in addition to other requirements by the specific programme.
Degree offered: BMLS (Hons) Medical Laboratory Science
Five Year s ( 5 years ) Degree Programme
Admission Requirements
UTME: Minimum of five credit level passes including English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry at O'level or SSCE in not more than two sittings in addition to other requirements by specific programme with acceptable level of pass in the UTME conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board(JAMB).
Direct Entry Mode: First degree in relevant discipline, A' level in relevant science subjects at not less than B grade in addition to other requirements by the specific programme.
Degreeoffered:B. Eng. Computer Engineering
Admission Requirements
UTME : For the five - yea r degree programme, in addition to acceptable passes in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), the minimum admission requirement is credit level passes in Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) in at least five subjects, which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and other acceptable science subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE) Mode
For four-year Direct Entry, in addition to five (5) Senior School Certificate (SSCE) credit passes which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, candidates with at least two passes in relevant subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) at the GCE Advanced Level or IJMB or JUPEB may be considered for admission. Candidates who have good National Diploma ( N D ) result in relevant Engineering Technology programmes may also be considered for admission into 200 level.
Degree offered: B. Eng. Civil Engineering
Admission Requirements
UTME : For the five - year degree programme, in addition to acceptable passes in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), the minimum admission requirement is credit level passes in Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) /its equivalent in at least five subjects, which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and other acceptable science subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE) Mode
For four-year Direct Entry, in addition to five (5) Senior School Certificate (SSC) credit passes which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, candidates with at least two passes in relevant subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) at the GCE Advanced Level or IJMB or JUPEB may be considered for admission. Candidates who have good National Diploma (ND) result in relevant Engineering Technology programmes may also be considered for admission into 200 level.
Degree offered: B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering
Admission Requirements
UTME : For the five - yea r degree programme, in addition to acceptable passes in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), the minimum admission requirement is credit level passes in Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) /its equivalent in at least five subjects, which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and other acceptable science subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE) Mode
For four-year Direct Entry, in addition to five (5) Senior School Certificate (SSCE) credit passes which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, candidates with at least two passes in relevant subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) at the GCE Advanced Level or IJMB or JUPEB may be considered for admission. Candidates who have good National Diploma (ND) result in relevant Engineering Technology programmes may also be considered for admission into 200 level.
Degree offered: B. Eng. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Admission Requirements
UTME : For the five - year degree programme, in addition to acceptable passes in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), the minimum admission requirement is credit level passes in Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) /its equivalent in at least five subjects, which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and other acceptable science subjects in not more than two sittings.
Direct Entry (DE) Mode
For four-year Direct Entry, in addition to five (5) Senior School Certificate (SSCE) credit passes which must include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, candidates with at least two passes in relevant subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) at the GCE Advanced Level or IJMB or JUPEB may be considered for admission. Candidates who have good National Diploma (ND) result in relevant Engineering Technology programmes may also be considered for admission into 200 level.
TME as stated above.
Degree offered: B. Sc. Architecture
Four Yea r s ( 4 years ) Degree Programme
UTME : Candidates who have successfully completed the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or its equivalent and obtained five credits (in not more than two attempts) in English Language, Mathematics, physics and any other two subjects from the following: Chemistry, Biology, Technical Drawing , Fine Arts , Geography, Economics, Building Construction and Land Surveying to the programme of choice will be eligible for admission currently through the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME).
Direct Entry
Candidates who fulfil the requirements for UTME admission and who have obtained General Certificate of Education (GCE), Advanced Level; Higher School Certificate (HSC)/Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB), National Diploma ( ND), Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) or other approved equivalent qualifications by Federal Ministry of Education in two relevant subjects to a particular programme, at a sitting, may be admitted into the 200 level.
Degree offered : B . S c . E s t a t e Management.
Five Years ( 5 years ) Degree Programme
U T M E : Candidates who have successfully completed the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) or its equivalent and obtained five credits (in not more than two attempts) in English Language, Mathematics, Economics. In addition to the three mandatory subjects mentioned above, two other subjects are required which are to be drawn from Geography, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology; or, One subject from Geography, Chemistry, Physics and Biology and One from Business Studies , Commerce , Agricultural Science, and Technical Drawing, to the programme of choice will be eligible for admission currently t h r o u g h t h e Unif ied Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME)
Direct Entry
Candidates seeking direct entry admission into the degree programme shall:
Fulfil all the UTME admission requirements besides JAMB. Have obtained G.C.E. Advanced level, Higher School Certificate (HSC)/Interim Joint Matriculation Board ( I JMB), or equivalent passes in at least two relevant subjects drawn from the UTME subject grouping, including Economics or Geography. ND applicants from Estate Management and other relevant disciplines such as Surveying , Cartography, Tow n Planning , Architecture and Environmental Management may be considered for direct entry admission into 200 Level provided they satisfy the minimum requirements for admission via UTME as stated above.