| Communication

WAD Youth Dream Camporee Opens New Markets For BU

The University’s Marketing team made a strong presence at the just concluded WAD Dream Youth Camporee held December 24 - 30, 2023 in Valley View University, Ghana.

The camporee which attracted over 8,000 participants from across 22-member countries, also provided platform to showcase the University’s programmes and products to the public.

The Head of International Students Unit, Elder Joshua Umahi and Deputy Director of Communication, Ms. Josephine Akarue worked with Marketing team members, Mr. Ogunbunmi Akinkunmi and Mr. Olubanji Sadare.

“Teamwork played a key role in the success of this programme as other foreign students and Alumni provided logistic as well as media support.

 “Students from francophone countries had people on ground to provide translation which helped in promoting the university during the week-long programme,” said Akarue.

Aside the marketing team, members of the Victory Pathfinders Club and others from the Babcock District took active part in the camporee which featured workshops, parade, Bible quizzes, drama, music, daily devotionals and baptisms.

Over 100 youth members were baptized at the end of the camporee which was woven around a drama presentation, The Life of Joseph by members from the Southern Ghana conference.

For the GC Youth Director, Pastor Busi Khumalo, it was a touching experience to see so many young people taking steps to Christ through baptism.

In his sermon, he talked about the uniqueness of the Youth Ministry and the diverse ways of its expression across the world.

Conference host, West Central Africa Youth Director,  Pastor Alfred Kwasi Ansiem, the WAD Communication Director, Elder Abraham Bakri as well as the Youth Director from the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division Pastor Irving Gwatiringa were also present to give their support.