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The Institute of Fraud Examiners at Babcock University inducted 172 candidates into the professional body. Having fulfilled the requirements, an Oath was administered to certify them as members.
The President Vice Chancellor, Professor Ademola Tayo, in his opening remarks, congratulated the inductees and urged them to put into practice what they have learned. Reminiscing on the Nursing induction that just took place, he feels strongly about the need for credible men and women to be associates of the great institute. "The burden to shun bad practices is on you," he said. "You must live up to the expectations of the institute and the country."
Administering the Oath, HRH Goddy Idaminabo echoed Professor Tayo's sentiments, urging the inductees to exhibit virtues that will help the country. He said that problem-solving skills are essential for fraud examiners and that they should always get the facts right before making assumptions. Acquisition of problem-solving skills is very essential. Assumption isn’t always the best way, but getting the facts right is always a great way.
The inductees are now well-positioned to make a difference in the world. They have the skills and knowledge to help prevent, detect, and deter fraud. The newly inducted members were presented with certificates and welcomed into the professional body