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A Babcock University alumnus, Pastor (Dr) Istifanus Ishaya, has been named the new Pro-Chancellor/ Governing Council Chair.
Pastor Ishaya, whose induction took place shortly before the 2024 governing council meeting, is currently President of the Northern Nigeria Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and replaces Pastor Yohanna Harry in both capacities following the latter’s retirement from active service.
Born March 2, 1969 at Kurmin Dodo, Kaduna State, Pastor Ishaya comes with years of experience and a Bachelors degree in Theology from Babcock University, (2004).
He holds a Masters degree from Adventist University of Africa , AUA, (2012) with emphasis in Islam as well as Doctoral in Ministry specializing in Youth and Young Adult from the same university in 2023.
He started his career as teacher at LEA Primary School Rafin-Bayi and rose to become head teacher at the LEA Primary School Karambana.
He served as Pastor of the Adventist Church, Bida (1997- 1999) and district leader in both Kauru and Yadin Lere districts in Kaduna State. He later served as Assistant Church pastor of the BU’s Feeders’ Chapel, 2001 - 2004.
His work experience also covers his tenure as director, Sabbath School/Personal/Children Ministries (2007 - 2009); North West Nigeria Conference Secretary (2010 - 2013) and Northern Nigeria Union Conference Executive Secretary (2018 - 2023) .
He is married to Rahab Kachun and the union is blessed with four children.