Babcock Invitational Sports Championship 2024
Jun 25 2024

Babcock Invitational Sports Championship 2024

  • 10:00 AM
  • Babcock University

Babcock University’s maiden Sports Invitational Championship kicks off Wednesday.

Babcock University and four other faith-based private universities in the South-West region are participating in the maiden Babcock University Sports Invitational Championship (BUIC) kicking off on Wednesday June 26, 2024. 

The three day event will end on Friday June 28, 2024.

The other four participating universities are Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Mountain Top University, Ibafo, Ogun State and Trinity University, Lagos. 

Already, the contingents of two of the four invited universities, Adeleke University and Mountain Top University had already arrived campus and were received by members of the Local Organising Committee headed by Elder David Ayeni while the other universities’ contingents were also being expected.

Elder Ayeni said medals would be competed for in Football, Lawn Tennis, Athletics, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Scrabble, Badminton and Table Tennis. 

The opening ceremony will take place at the University Stadium as well as football, male Basket Ball, Volley Ball and Table Tennis. Lawn Tennis, Badminton, Scrabble and female Basket Ball teams  will take place at different venue on campus. Female Volley Ball teams will take place at Iperu Campus with the Track and Field taking place at Ogun State stadium, Sagamu, 

Director of Student Activities, Dr. Osundina, said “Babcock University Invitational Championship is not just a competition but it is an event to celebrate athleticism, teamwork, and the spirit of competition”.

The Vice President, Student Development, Dr. Sunday Audu had at the inauguration of Elder Ayeni- led organizing committee wished the members a successful outing.