More About this Program
Vision statement
The MSc degree programme in Physiology is designed to provide an in-depth scientific and professional knowledge required by graduates of Physiology in particular and other biomedical sciences to meet the challenges of a constantly evolving biomedical research, practices of the healthcare and allied sectors in order to advise and create policies that impact positively on the overall quality of life while meeting global standards in this millennium.
We seek understanding of God’s creation to develop excellence in the whole human and inspire total commitment to God and humanity through unbiased and systematic observation, accurate documentation and interpretation of facts and phenomena.
Mission statement
The program is designed to train scientists in an atmosphere of intellectual quest and individual creativity to equip them with research skills capable of expanding the frontiers of biomedical research while ensuring wholesome contribution to the healthcare industry. The goal is to produce medical scientists who pay attention to medical sciences not only from the angle of curative research but also preventive research.
Areas of Specialization
Applied Physiology and Biotechnology
Cardiopulmonary Physiology
Gastrointestinal Physiology
Medical Physiology
Molecular and Cell Physiology
Phytomedicine and Drug Discovery
Reproductive Physiology
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Admission Requirements
Direct Admission
The criteria for admission into the Master Degree programme in Physiology will be as follows:
- (i) The programme is open to candidates with Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Physiology and related subjects. Candidates with professional qualification in Medicines (M.B B.S. etc.,), Dentistry (B.D.S.) or Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) are also eligible.
- (ii) Candidates may be required to satisfy the Department in a selection process and other conditions as approved by the Babcock University College of Postgraduate Studies (CPGS).
Conditional Admission
Conditional admission to M.Sc. program could be granted to an applicant, with a Bachelor’s degree in a related area from Babcock University or other Universities approved by Babcock University Senate, with a minimum of second class lower. Such candidate must pass some PGD Physiology courses within a semester (number of units and duration to be determined by the Department in consultation with the CPGS) prior to being granted provisional or regular admission to the M.Sc. program. The coursework must attain the required level of proficiency (50%) in order to qualify the applicant for admission to the M.Sc. program. No coursework may be taken which will be counted as part of the M.Sc. program while the student is under conditional admission.
Graduation requirements
a)To obtain a MSc. in Physiology, a candidate must take and pass with a minimum score of 45% in the GEDS courses and 50% in all the departmental courses culminating in 47 units made up as follows:
General Education course=2 credits
Core courses=36 credits
Electives=4 credits
Dissertation=6 credits
Duration of programme
The Master of Physiology program shall last for a minimum period of 3 semesters and maximum period of 5 semesters.

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Doctorate (Ph.D)
Conditional admission to a PhD program is granted when the applicant, brings a Master’s degree in a related area or in a professional, rather than academic program, if this is permitted by the corresponding department. }
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If the M.Sc (or MA) level of proficiency is between 50% and 54% (or 3.00-3.49 CGPA on 5-point grade average), the applicant may be granted admission to the corresponding M.Phil, in which the minimum level of proficiency (60%) must be attained.
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Postgraduate Diploma
If the M.Sc (or MA) level of proficiency is between 50% and 54% (or 3.00-3.49 CGPA on 5-point grade average), the applicant may be granted admission to the corresponding M.Phil, in which the minimum level of proficiency (60%) must be attained.
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